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We have developed this COVID-19 Safety Plan to help create and maintain a safe environment for our riders. For each obligation we have broken down the requirements for riders and the requirements for the committee, Vice Captains or Bunch Captains. This Policy will be updated as regulations change, and will be modified if and when required. We ask that all you do your bit to help us comply and enable the resumption of SCC bunch riding.


NSW Government Requirement

  • Exclude staff, volunteers, parents/carers and participants who are unwell.

  • Provide volunteers with information and training on COVID-19, including when to get tested, physical distancing and cleaning, and how to manage a sick visitor.

  • If hiring external facilities, consult with the owners/operators to address these requirements to understand what measures may already be in place.

Member Obligations

If you display any COVID-related symptoms, don’t come on an SCC ride. These symptoms include but are not limited to:

  • dry cough

  • fever

  • lethargic/tiredness


If you have returned from overseas, have been in a ‘hotspot’ or have come into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days, do not ride with the club.

Committee, Vice-Captain or Bunch Captain obligations

  • If you see someone on an SCC ride who appears to be unwell, politely ask them to exit the bunch.

  • Circulate this policy to all ride captains (our volunteers) and raise awareness for COVID-symptoms to help with compliance to the guidelines.

  • Consult owners or operators of 3rd party facilities used for SCC activities to ensure COVID-19 safety plan is in place and does not conflict with SCC plan.


NSW Government Requirement

  • Keep a record of name and a mobile number or email address for all staff, volunteers, participants, spectators and contractors attending community sports activities for a period of at least 28 days

  • Cooperate with NSW Health if contacted in relation to a positive case of COVID-19 at your workplace, and notify SafeWork NSW on 13 10 50

  • Make your staff and volunteers aware of the COVIDSafe app and its benefits to support contact tracing if required.

Member Obligations

  • Use Strava to record your participation in any SCC group ride, and upload your ride to Strava promptly.

  • Make sure the privacy setting for the activity is set to “Followers only” or “Public” but not “Only me”.

  • If you don’t have Strava - download it.

  • Make sure your Strava name is close to your actual name.

  • Accept a Strava follower request from “SCC COVID SAFE COMPLIANCE”

  • Inform the Committee of any changes to your contact details immediately.

Consider installing the COVIDSafe app and activating it for SCC rides.

Committee, Vice-Captain or Bunch Captain obligations

  • Create a Strava profile named “SCC COVID SAFE COMPLIANCE” and add all members of the club on Strava.

  • In the event that contact tracing is required, assist NSW Health by logging in to the SCC COVID SAFE COMPLIANCE Strava profile, and record a list of the SCC Ride activities of the relevant member for the relevant period, produce a list of the other members that are recorded as being in a ‘group activity’ with the relevant member.

  • Check this list of names against the list of SCC members to extract the contact details requested by NSW Health.

  • Committee to liaise with bunch captains to ensure compliance with strava recording, and keep note in the event that a rider had to abort a ride early and is missed by Strava.

  • Encourage SCC members to download and activate the COVIDSafe app.


NSW Government Requirement

  • Ensure the number of people in a facility does not exceed one person per 2 square metres (including staff and spectators).

  • Have strategies in place to manage gatherings that may occur immediately outside the premises, such as with drop off and pick up zones or staggered start/finish times.

  • Reduce crowding wherever possible and promote physical distancing with markers on the floor.

Member Obligations

  • Limit bunch sizes to 12 riders, and try to keep a 1.5 meter distance to any rider around you while on a ride.

  • When waiting for bunches to roll out, maintain a distance from other riders.

  • A, B, C and D Bunches should gather at appropriately spaced distances to allow this to occur.

  • When having coffee after a ride, follow the existing distance markers at the venue and respect the space of other patrons.

Committee, Vice-Captain or Bunch Captain obligations

  • Bunch sizes will be counted by bunch

  • When waiting to call the bunches out in the morning, the Captain will encourage social distancing.

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